Exercise Therapy for Cancer Survivorship
“Clinical research has established exercise as a safe and effective intervention to counteract the adverse physical and psychological effects of cancer and its treatment.”
—Clinical Oncology Society
of Australia position
statement on exercise
in cancer care

Research has demonstrated profound beneficial effects of an exercise program for patients during the entirety of their cancer care. Exercise enhances patient’s quality of life, reduces symptoms of treatment, reduces fatigue, and builds a sense of optimism. Its benefits are significant for patients during therapy, recovery, and long term.
The New Heart Center for Fitness and Health Cancer Survivorship program is designed to support patients in any stage of treatment of recovery. Our director, Ms. Desiree Gallegos, is one of the few exercise physiologists in New Mexico specially trained as a Clinical Cancer Exercise Specialist to train patients fighting cancer. Each patient will receive a program tailored to their specific type of cancer and cancer treatment.
12 Session / 1 month program
- Initial cardiovascular evaluation*
- Weekly Training Session with an Exercise Physiologist and supervised exercise for up to three hours per week.
- Endurance training sensitive to accommodating patients with physical disabilities.
- Strength training to combat muscle atrophy and weakness.
- Nutritional counseling to assist with both adequate nutrition and weight management.
- Flexibility and mobility training to maintain functional range of motion.
*Not all patients need an initial cardiovascular evaluation. Evaluations are usually covered by insurance.
The 12-session program is ideally completed within 1-2 months.
Call (505) 881-8195 now to enroll!
Join the Program
New Heart Fitness and Wellness if you would like more information on this program.
You may call us directly at (505) 881-8195 or email at referrals@newheartnm.com.